Monday, February 27, 2006
i am offically SICK of braiding. i like must've braided at least 3 manes... and my left hand has a small welt cuz one of d rubber band snapped and broke :S. but managed to braid sonny, chuckie and bobby. and helped one of d lil kiddies with biscuit. i did bobby by myself lol. and sonny with viv, n chuckie with dawn and steph.
the comp was FUNNNNNNNN!!! lol even if i didn't place. sonny bolted in d 1.2. :S but then again i was his 1st rider and i haven't ridden him in like a year++ ?? and it was like BOILING hot and i rode at 12 noon. EXACTLY. ON THE DOT. which is kinda bad luck?? lol i was kinda upset after that so i dismounted and went to change n viv helped me to wash n graze him and all that. THANKS VIV!!!
so after me n dawn checked our scores n all, i failed. just as expected. dawn got 6th!! overall. n 3rd 4 junior catergory!! n steph got 7th overall too!!n ma tied 4 3rd place i think. lol irony is that judith, who won, went RIGHT before me. lol and d judge was amanda garren who judged me at rl. her comments in d test sheet really really were HILARIOUS. like at d last part. in her familliar SWIRLY ILLEGIBLE handwriting, she wrote : "good effort on an uncooperative horse". and like during d test i was seriously FREAKING out cuz i nearly fell off once n he didn't go on d track HALF d time n cut like ALL his corners :S. i was like sooo upset after it!! but she liked my position n all though (: did well for d bottom general stuff except for submission of horse n all of that part :S
1.1 was just FANTASTIC!!! chuckie was just... like THE BEST EVER!! i haven't seen d test sheet though. but i scored 53 smt. which is good cuz that way i can still do 1.1 restricted-s :D on chuckie too :D:D:D
|`kath| 6:14 PM|
Sunday, February 19, 2006
|`kath| 3:41 PM|
Thursday, February 16, 2006
had no school today! lol i think i needed that sleep-in. i think i only woke up at 9 30?? which is late 4 me cuz i have to wake up by 8 7 days a week :S
nways went out in d morning. then when i came bk like at abt 3 i decided to clean out my messy closet. so after filling like HALF a trash bag with misc stuff, guess what? i found my old pointe shoes n leotard!! lol from back in d sylvia mccully dance school days. sighhh do i miss it... and d pointe shoes STILL fit me!! though it feels weird to b wearing them again.
i dno y but now i wish i didn't quit afterall... had to cuz gym clashed with it and there were no other grade 6 classes that i could make it 4. lol i remem d last performance we did: snowflakes :D that was fun... haha and TOTAL chaos cuz one of d little mices from d priamry classes kinda got sick backstage... :S stank... haha and d victoria concert hall ppl were none too pleased.
back to d real world. there's riding 2moz :D lol i hope i dun fall again... i'm hoping for a nice safe ride... like BOBBY!! mann do i MISS riding him...
|`kath| 8:06 PM|
Saturday, February 11, 2006
two riding lessons of the week:
zul was on leave so tommy took us. i was suppose to ride colours AGAIN :( and jun got cocoa, caro got smint and liz got sam. (all the horrid all-other-horse-except-myself haters ) anyhow, we went in and warmed up by ourselves a bit. ( that;s what i like abt polo club. u can go up realy really early and warm up and they just go: oh up so early? and it's like half a self ride lol) then tommy came. nways jun couldn't canter cuz she was sick and i couldn't control colours' canter. so i was gna ask if me n jun could switched just for the canter part. anyhow, in the end me and caro ended up switching, so i got on smint and she got on colours.
so we warmed up with tommy and i had to go lead :S. smint was really nice to ride. there were occasional bucks but they were like d fun to ride to bucks like... patch's lol. so anyhow after a while of getting use to him i worked out that he doesn't like that much leg and an occasional tap with the whip make's him keep his tempo a bit better. and i did try to flex him but he just would step in cuz i was opening the inside rein and nt using enough leg. and then when i DID use enough leg he just bucked. so i stopped and he was well enough after that.
after that we cantered. smint was REALLY good except that he moves his head alot so that he pulls on the rein. other than that it was REALLY nice. and we cantered 2 rounds of the arena!! <3<3 then we did formation riding. i suppose it was ok. i kept messing up alot towards the end :S (sorry jun!!) i just can't understand y tommy is SUCH a big fan of it. EVERY lesson with him always has it.
nways, belinda ( the girl from bangkok who came after us) rides after us now. she's got a btsc membership accd to jun and can STILL ride at polo club. plus her class got all d NICE horses. how unfair is that?!
I FELL!!! of SONGKLA!!! lol. now my back hurts tons...
so viv got oj, dawn got we r one ( FOURTH TIME!!! humph :P haha ) n caro got bobby.
nways it was drizzling during our lesson, and it rained b4 that so the ground was all eeeky and well, horrid. then sue came up and she brought these small stones which she collected on her way up. and smiling REALLLY evily, she told us that we were going to work on our legs today. and then she proceeded to place one stone btw each of our feet and the stirrup so we had to really press down on the stirrup. so then we walked, and trotted for a short while, and everytime someone dropped a stone, they had to turn in and let sue replace it. i didn't drop ANY!! YAY!! lol
then sue called us back in the middle and told us to canter :D. so basically we just did open order cantering. and i lost a few stones when i was doing my downward transitions :S. halfway, sue started complaining that she couldn't find anymore stones and that we were accidently stepping on her fingers when she replaced our stones. oops haha.
songkla was nice during all that. apart from thinking that d stones were polos and trying to bite my boot off... and i kept my reins nice!! and they didn;t get longer and longer!!:D. anyhow, there was this other horse and rider riding arould our arena on the outside. (dawn and caro said the horse was newsmaker). so everytime they passed us, songkla put his ears REAL flat and made this weird grunting sound. then during d cantering, he'd bolt off when they passed. which he did twice, and make me loose BOTH stones in my stirrups.
so after all that drama, sue called us back in and the lady went into the arena next to our's. so stupid me, though that songkla was going to behave and not bolt off again. then sue made us do sitting trot, still with the stones :S, as a ride. so we did and it was ok i suppose, but my left leg was not really pressing so i dropped a stone once.
and then, while we we trotting down the long side, newsmaker was coming down the long side of his arena on d other rein. i didn't notice and then he passed us and songkla bolted off and did a 45 degree turn towards the middle. and suddenly i feel myself flying out of the saddle and then i c d sky, and then next thing i knew i hit the wet sand, on my back. lol viv, dawn and caro said that i screamed. REALLY SHRILL :P which i weirdly don't remember haha. anyhow, i landed IN a puddle, staring up at songkla's nose and horrid teeth, and somehow still holding onto one rein and my whip lol.
so sue ran over and made me lie down in d puddle, while songkla ever so unrepentently just looked at the other horses. so i ended up with a COLD COLD SANDY back and my jodphurs were SOAKED. lol so after a while sue let me stand and she asked if i wanted to walk songkla down or ride him down. i chosed the latter so she gave me a leg up and we all rode down.
all i can say is THANK GOD FOR EXTRA SHIRTS!! haha. so that's my 1st OFFICIAL fall at btsc and now my name is in d accidents book!! YAY!! FINALLY!!! haha.

and so i end; with a picture of that unrepentant scheming rat :P haha
|`kath| 1:49 PM|
Thursday, February 09, 2006
lol i just realised how many mistakes i made in my last post! this is what comes of typing REALLY fast...
lol i'm tooo lazy to blog abt viv's b'day!! i'm going to STOP procrastinating!! new year resolution lol. here i go...
picked jun up at 12-ish and then went to d club. then we met nat there. talked 4 abt 5 - 10 mins? then found out from her that d horse world shop owner apparently went overseas. :(
after nat left, we did a bit of h/w then did viv's card. lol we put a pic of her riding sonny and sulking ( i took it that other friday...) haha it was quite funny to look at ( lol viv is gna hit me when she reads this...) and jun did this REALLY nice vine pattern ard it :D!! AND sequins. ( lol u should hear abt jun's sequin hunt down at popular haha... "see-qun haa???" and we also decided to get a cab to turf city to get viv's prezzie.
after that we did more h/w then we decided to get lunch. d rat informed us that d kitchen was closed. lol, so then tanja called and we decided to meet her at turf city. so we packed up and walked out to d main road. then we tried to cross d road but d cars just kept coming! lol so viv we RISKED LIFE AND LIMB to get ur prez. capice?? u owe us both big haha... hint hint: jun's is 15 aug. BIGGER HINT: mine is 9th nov!! hahahaha
so we finally managed to hail a cab. guess where. ALONG D ROAD LEADING INTO TURF CITY ITSELF!! lol. so we got there n took a while to decide which long whip to get her. then after we went lunch. and then tanja came halfway. and then we took a cab back.
on d way back, d driver took a few wrong turns n stuff so jun n tanja had to direct him bk ( i'm hopeless w/ directions haha) nways halfway viv called us. lol she was still at home, n she asked what time i was going. since it was abt like 3 plus i told her i was going to pick jun up. lol it was sooo funny. jun n tanya had to whisper and i was like laughing sooo hard. lol so viv asked y i was laughing and so i told her that my brother just told a really funny joke. i don;t think she really believed that... ( did u viv?)
after that we gt bk and then we wrapped d prez up. lol it was soo fun haha. we rolled d whip in layers and layers of newspaper. then we rolled it in wrapping paper and then we basically over used d scotchtape. haha it ended up looking like a really fat scepter/ golf club haha. so at d big end jun put a smiley face :D. we told sandra it looked like her and she said, eh, u 4got d nose studs leh!! hahahaha.
we originally wanted to hide it in sonny's stall under d sawdust and go like, oh viv, do want to muck out sonny's stall?? and then let her muck out where d prez was. then go like eh? how did that get there?? hahaha. but in d end we just put it in d office on sandra n sue's shoe rack nxt 2 d whiteboard.
so we helped sandra walk bilco and then chuckie. then after we went to look at natural act n costner cuz tanja noes d owner... keith was it?? anyhow after that viv came. so we went to d office and she walked in and sat down. not noticing the HUGE "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIV" which took up the entire board... nearly anyways... and d sandra-headed "scepter" lol viv.
so we had to go "Viv!! LOOK!!!" and point at d present. haha she finally noticed. nways she took a while to open d prez cuz we uses alot of tape and jun didn't allow her to use a blade haha. it was soo funny. so in d end we played tug of war and managed to pull it out of d wrapping. haha.
after that we just basically hung ard and talked until sandra's lesson. cathleen wasn't coming so it was only charlotte and alice ( on lil red n patch respectively) so jun took patch n alice and i took lil red n charlotte. so while we trotted and all, tanja and viv helped sandra make this obstacle course. lol it was kinda fun. so we basically played that and me n jun had to run and hold patch and little red back a bit cuz alice n charlotte were being extremely competive. while tanja and viv got to stand at the end of the lanes and raise their hands so d riders could hi-5 them :P haha.
after that we went down n viv had to leave so jun n i washed patch and little red and tanja was "according to lan lan" supervising haha. after that tanja left then jun n i put them bk and then got a lift from jun to d bus stop then took 93 home.
so that concludes the adventures of last saturday. lol wayy overdue
oh and this is one day overdue too ( but it doesn't count cuz i was nt home d whole of yesterday)
|`kath| 5:50 PM|
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Friday was so fun :D!! School was a total bore. more than usual even. but riding was TOTALLY worth it. and after-riding was a BIGG BONUS! haha
So got there kinda late and changed. bumped into dawn in d toilet and went 2 d stables 2gether. met viv there and checked d board. Viv got oj ( she was suppose to get citi but he got somesorta throat infection? so sue had to chnag it) dawn got we r on 4 d THIRD TIME!!! and i got SONGKLA!! lol sue gave us all our requests :D yay 4 sue!! haha. caro didn't come cuz she had camp. hung ard a bit then got d horse out and mounted. it was REALLY hot so sue made us work in half d jumping arena in the shade.
We warmed up and then sue asked us to canter. my reins just kept getting LONGER and LONGER and sue was a bit annoyed. lol so we cantered together and singkla was VERY annoyed by oj behind and kept like lowering his neck and pretnding to buck so sue made me go in front :S songkla's canter is like WAYYYY SMOOTH!!! lol u can like sit soooo deep into d saddle!! but bobby's is STILL wayyy better. haha i'm biased!
nhow after riding we had water then went to write a BIG thank you msg to sue 4 letting each of us ride who we all requested for. then chun n fei came and we walked ard a bit then sue asked us to wash chuckie's feet which r even worse than usual :(. so chun dawn n me did. luckily was was in a good mood and didn't try to kick. halfway thru daphne and frances came with a bag of gummies. lol chuckie was soo interested in it. kept saying his pleases ( admit it! he's cute! AND polite.)
aftr that me n dawn grazed him and then we put him in d paddock. d sweeet boy didn't eat and started folowing us <3! halfway while followng dawn though he kinda did a small buck and it was kinda scarey. after, dawn went down and i grazed him 4 a bit then spent 1/3 of my tube of polos trying to lure him down.
after, chun fei n daph went 4 their lesson riding stanley, gold ridge n oj respectively. d french lady rode songkla and this other girl rode lobo. frances helped me dry chuckie's feet then we put d orangey goo which burns ur hand. (:S had to wash it off w/ his shampoo after) after sue said we could graze him again so we brought him up 2 heaven so we could watch their lesson.
nways he settled down after a few secs of watching d horses in d lesson ( i had d impression that he was going "nahnah :P i get to eat and u have to work" lol) . I could occasionally hear snorts of delight between the constant sounds of him munching. it started to get a bit breezy and d green fence behind us started to creak a bit but d lug had burried is entire face in that huge mound of grass and couldn't b bothered. then this HUGE breeze came by and the fence like nearly collapsed. chuckie shied and tried to bolt 4 like a sec. songkla who was cantering also bolted 4 a while, but d lady managed to get him under control. it was soooo freaky!! I though he was going to trample me down!! :S:S nyhow, he calmed down and started eating all over again and then ANOTHER breeze came. he nearly wrenched my arm out! god he's strong! now i noe how tanja felt w/ firehouse that time. after he calmed down, sue got kinda worried so she told me to bring him down.
went the long way so i got to d stables same time as them. i was about to cross tie him at d shower stalls when sue said that he changed him stall to laser fella's ( laser went to oj's old stall) cuz he got a new groom. so we cross tied him backward so his butt face d outside and sue started to bandage his feet. he started trying to kick so she got me to hand feed him his chaff. after, i put him back and he got "aquainted" w/ his new neighbour: sonny. he tried to bite sonny through d bars and all so d mando had to move his feed bucket to d other side. he sill didn't like sonny one bit so he kicked at d wall while eating.
sighh... i DO hope they get along eventually... sandra said maybe he just needs some time to get used to it. will post abt viv's b'day 2moz... or wed... yeah wed cuz i have school then cca then riding 2moz. YAY!! i STILL want 2 ride cupcake...
|`kath| 10:39 AM|