Saturday, December 31, 2005
HATE the way we pony clubbers are shunted around, only left to scavenge and sift though the castoffs no one else wants... ... ... ...
|`kath| 9:39 PM|
Thursday, December 22, 2005
lol this blog is stale!! haha and i'm lazy :P
nways i'll b away from today till 31st night. going new zealand. flying off this evening.
lol oh and after d bangkok trip i've been "inspired" by all d manual bloggers aka dawn, nat, caro & chun to blog abt d trip. lol so when i get back i might have tons of blogging to type in... or i mite just get lazy half way and only come back with half a trip of post haha. and since i won't b in sg:
<3 kath
|`kath| 9:44 AM|
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
lol ok so went to polo club early . so checked out d dressage whips at d d'equestrian store. didn't buy in d end cuz i didn't like d handle. then after went to d stables and visited buckay 4 a while then checked d board. i got buzz :) (@ caro and jun: caro u got cocoa and jun u got wolfman) elisabeth got cabriole. nway got kinda impatient and went to d arena early and mounted and warmed up. zul came and then elisabeth came. so we warmed up (again 4 me) and then did serpentines over and over. and i was lead file!!! :S lol good thing was zul allowed me to choose how many loops in d serpentine. ended up doing NO 5-looped ones and only one 4-looped one haha.
then after we did canter. zul was like ok we r gna start basic training 4 flying changes; aka cantering diagonals. so 1st zul made us trot d diagonals and work on going straight. then after that we cantered. buzz's canter was as usual very nice and smooth... like bobby's <3. problem was this time it was hard keeping him in it. elisabeth behind me kept going "whoa" d min cabby went into canter. even though it seemed ok. quite disastrous cuz i kept having to go bk to trot so cabby wouldn't bolt off. in d end i got kinda annoyed lol. so i offered to switched horses which elisabeth seemed quite relieved to?? luckily zul is not like sandra and allowed us to switch.
cabby was REAL diff from buzz. cabby's like HUGEE but kinda on d thin side, extremely forward and liver chestnut and sooo smooth!!! lol and buzz is like fat, short compared to cabby, kinda lazy and pinto. zul made me go lead AGAIN :S lol but it was kinda fun on cabby. nway we cantered in d corner and then went on untill juz b4 d other end then trot then in d corner after d diagonal ends pick up d canter again. d 3rd time we did this cabby shied away from d corner just b4 d diagonal and bolted off and tried to attack buzz who was like 4 or 5 horse lengths behind us. THANK GOD 4 D LESSON ON WATERCOLOURS!!! i managed to turn him away (whew) and after a short bolt in d opp direction get him back to trot.
call me mad but it was actually quite fun! haha nway after a short slow trot we did d exercise again. and...*drumroll* cabby bolted again and he did d exact same thing. except this time d horse he attacked was this chestnut horse who this lady was riding ( she had LONG LONNG reins and d horse was like SOOOOOO ON D BIT!!! so kwl!!! ) took me by surprise but did d same thing. in total he bolted like 4 times?? and i didn't fall!!! (keeping up my "legacy" haha. @ dawnee: i think maybe u were rite abt d glue saddle thingy ;) ) lol i weirdly actually enjoyed his bolts. oh and d lady riding d chestnut walked by and said "well ridden" while we were walking after he bolted again!!!
at d end zul asked me if i was in d SPEX TEAM!!! i was like no and he said "well if u work hard u will be".
i was kinda shocked lol. then zul was like u noe cabby is elementry level?? he's very nice to do leg yielding on. lol so i tried like once. it's sooo NICE!!!! lol and i kinda felt like i was bk at hlc... indoor arena, high level horses... nway after that we did d diagonal thing one by one and i realised cabby has HUGE STRIDES!!! like 1 of his strides is equal to 2 of buzz's??
nway that's just d start of my riding week!!! -- weeelll almost a week... i didn't ride 2day but 2moz i'm going RL!!!! :D:D:D and staying untill fri evening!! nway i gtg byee...
luv kath :D
|`kath| 10:03 AM|
Monday, December 12, 2005
|`kath| 11:11 AM|
Saturday, December 10, 2005
... in walk-trot... but who cares?? haha

( the author of this post is currently high... she will resume this blog entry later this month when she recovers...)
|`kath| 3:02 PM|
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
hello all u wonderful ppl :D now i'm a bit highh... lol nway gna blog abt rl comp:
i entered prelim 1.1, prelim 1.2, novice 2.1 and 2 jumping classes. got Katie, AVeryCertain (AVC), Kampong, AVC and AVC (again) respectively. lol i was actually kinda in a shock cuz i thot i would get pipsqueak 4 dressage and kampong 4 jumping. had to like REPLAN my ENTIRE strategy :S NOT a fun thing to do on d eve of one's comp.
2.1 was early sat morning and my 1st event. kampong is NOT a very nice dressage horse and half d test was SITTING trot!!! and kampong is quite bouncy :S lol! he's also very UN-forward. nway i 4got d test was in sitting trot half d time ( kampong's bouncyness didn't help) so ended up doing rising trot alot :S ... also 4got that we cannot use our voices and clicked to make kampong go faster!! lol d judge was quite nice though didn't penalise me. still did quite badly though... but considering i've never even done 1.1 in a comp and i was starting d day w/ novice it was quite good?? haha
1.1 was ok. it was just that i'd NEVER ridden katie 4 dressage b4 and only rode her to jump ONCE and that was HORRID and EONS ago. lol didn't really noe what to expect. she was quite good except 4 d canters and trots immediately after d canters. she tends to cuts her corners alot during canters and trots REALLY horribly after d canter so i didn't really do well. 10th place and $25 (50RM) prize... lols
d 30cm clear round was kinda bad cuz there was this fence at A ( third jump of d course) and u had to go REALLY INTO d corner to do it properly or d horse would juz refuse it. i cleared d 1st 2 jumps quite nicely. then i didn't go into d corner deep enough and AVC refused. got REALLY nervous and i think AVC sensed it and refused again and went out d LEFT!! and we knocked down d jump. lol had to circle in trot while myrs put d jump back... SOOO embarrasing!! :S:S:S nway after that i was SOOOOO nervous and AVC like refused again and i got eliminated :( didn't finish d course
the 30~50 clear and time was WAYYYY GOOD!!!! it was d same course juz that there were fillers in one jump and d jumps were higher. haha AVC MEMORISED d WHOLE course so cute ya?? i was wayyy tense haha and nervous too!! when we went 'sailing' over d 3rd jump ( d exact jump i got elliminated 4) i was SOO happy!!! lols but d excitment only REALLY caught up w/ me at d 5th jump. after we went over that i
4GOT D REST OF D COURSE!!! lol i wanted to go right for some odd reason but AVC pulled me over 2 d left and over d 6th jump i got into 2 pt a little too late. poor boy!! and then we did d 7th 8th and 9th. d 10th jump was d 3rd jump. just from d opposite direction. wasn't thinking str and cut d corner!!! he refused of course :( circled and cleared it. lol i missed a clear round by ONE CORNER!!! lol kinda wasted... but that's showjumping 4 u.
1.2 was on sun. did ok i guess. AVC was kinda tired and all. but he still gave me his best (my poor baby!!) was quite ok juz my halt was qute bad... avc heard d gate creak open while i was getting him to halt and drifted a bit and i didn't have a square hal :S. ah wells can't really blame him. he was really tired and i'm sure he wanted to get bk to his stable. d judge said i have to work on my downward transitions more though... lol i must remem to do more bergardes ya?? haha
lol ok nway i gtg. will blog abt my "judging" experience 2moz :) and tues lesson. stay tuned!!
|`kath| 6:51 PM|