Friday, March 31, 2006
chuckie is such a sweetie boy :D
riding today was THE BEST!! chuckie was sooo nice to flex and he totally was so forward and cute and... oh lol EVERYTHING was perfect! i haven't had THAT in quite some time too! which made it all really nice. it was like kinda drizzling though :/ so we didn't canter.
honestly, friday riding is like a lease. of chuckie :D
|`kath| 8:37 PM|
Thursday, March 30, 2006
... so if god is a dj, and life is a dance floor...
... then how about god is a FEI judge...
and life is a dressage test!! ;)
|`kath| 7:52 PM|
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
so riding yesterday was just abosolute crap? colours (yes, i rode her :S) was totally all over the place. AND she tried to attack EVERYONE in the arena. (it didn't help that it was storming, and everyone was in the indoor arena) we hardly cantered at that :(
we have sports day tommorow. which means no school! haha. so i can sleep in and wake up late. FINALLY!! a day i can actually wake up WHEN i want to. though it's highly unlikely that i will get to sleep in considering the decibels required to get my younger siblings ready for school AND seeing how my internal alarm clock works. sighh...
|`kath| 8:27 PM|
Sunday, March 26, 2006
(it's not fair! why are ALL of u older than me!! haha :P)
|`kath| 5:29 PM|
Thursday, March 23, 2006
two straight off-riding days on tuesday and friday, and on my FAVOURITES no less; cup and chuckie!! i'm hoping for a really really nice lesson 2moz? though it's probably not happening. sue's probably gna make us do flexing again. which no matter WHAT i do i CANNOT get. even with SIDE REINS! and it doesn't help that chuckie's neck is soo long! not that it's his fault. sighh my poor boy. i ride him SOOO badly. he deserves far, FAR more! :( i'm such a horrid rider for him!
the new horses are coming in tonight! but they're going to kranji for quarantine for 2 weeks 1st. then coming to btsc after. i can't wait to ride 'em :) oh and we're giving daph her presents tomorrow! after riding. i can't say what they are though. not here. ;) hope u like 'em though daphie!
|`kath| 7:44 PM|
Monday, March 20, 2006
i just noticed there's no dressage or showjumping or ANYTHING equestrian-related in the commonwealth games. i wonder why...
school 2day was okay i suppose... deathly boring... but i didn't like fall asleep or anything... and it's only the 1st day of term 2 and i'm lost in math already!
riding 2morrow! zul promised that if we get horses than can jump, we will!! YAY!! must remember to keep my heels DOWNNNN. and i hope u-noe-who isn't there again... though she did seem kinda friendly last week after riding. but STILL, i don't want her to watch it.
why did god give the world A-class bitches? life would be so much better without HER.
|`kath| 6:28 PM|
Sunday, March 19, 2006
back to school 2morrow!! :(
|`kath| 2:14 PM|
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

jumps like.... AMAZINGLY!!!!
lol yep we had a jumping lesson :) and i was on an EXTREMLY fresh cupcake. when we warmed up she was like bucking and REARING !! managed to stay on though. and 5 mins into the lesson she reared and bolted off for a few strides and i fell onto her neck. i though i was gna fall but i managed to get back into the saddle.
after that zul rode her a bit to "work off her steam" and they did trotting poles. she does them like... so show-off-ey! her tail up and her legs lift like REALLY high! after that, i got on again and we started jumping. it was quite a small fence cuz elizsabeth had never jumped before ( and sam was giving her hell man! ) jun did nicely on wolfman though, n caro didn;t do them cuz johnny doesn't jump.
so in the end elisabeth didn;t jump either. so it was only me n jun. cup like literally galloped towards it, cutting ALL the corners. and then she took this HUGGE jump. like she was jumping 70cm. (her own height btw) and i was sooo shocked that i got left behind. (jumping term which means that rider gets pulled over the jump, not fall off the horse) then zul set up a small vertical. and cupcake started doing it like 80cm. so FUNNN!!! lol we did it a few times. really nicely :) plus i'm aching. which means is was a REALLY good lesson YAY!
sighh she is sooo nice... maybe i could buy her like dawn is doing with sun?? (chuckie still beats her though :D)
|`kath| 8:41 AM|
Saturday, March 11, 2006
i dreamt about him last night again...
i miss him -- i want him back
|`kath| 10:53 AM|
Friday, March 10, 2006
sweet ; loveable slob ; LOVELY ride! ; patient
to the horse that taught me to jump:
i'll always remember you.
stay happy in horsie heaven!
I told myself I wouldn't cry
But cry I did, when I got home,
I ran to my room
And hid.
He's gone...
He taught me to canter,
He taught me to jump,
He made me a rider
When I'd started as a lump,
But now,
He's gone...
It was time for him to move on.
He's gone...
-edited from an original poem by Annelies Johnson-
|`kath| 7:34 PM|
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
riding in... 5 hrs!! :D haha
i'm in d school com lab now... mr tang is so nice! since d half d class went 4 dental checkup, he says he can't conver ANYTHING. so now i'm like doing chem stuff... which i forgot to do :P ... and blogging and using msn lol. like d WHOLE class is online ;)
|`kath| 12:18 PM|
Monday, March 06, 2006
oh did i forget to mention?
sue promised. cuz i was at camp :D.
|`kath| 6:28 PM|
Saturday, March 04, 2006
camp was...
fun? hot? blazing? smelly?
hahah. but overall it was quite meaningful i suppose, nways now i think i have sunburns. on my leg n right shoulder blade ... at least i think they're sunburns... manda sez i'm too dark n tan to get sunburns lol. oh and on that subject, i'm like... darker :( i'm gna start looking indian soon! and i got SLEEVE MARKS!!! just when i though i got rid of those accumulated at rl!!
after i got back, arranged with jun to go 2 btsc... like 2 hrs b4 haha. so went down n walked ard 4 a bit then found sue n sandra fitting chuckie wth saddles. so apparently sunshine is getting chuck's old one? or smt like that. i dno how it turned out. then sandra got us to put gold ridge's saddle together. i never realised a saddle was soo light! so it's basically heavy cuz of d iron stirrups. nhow i wrote his name a new girth in attached it ( i did it nicely cuz i noe chun would probably kill me if i wasn't done nice ;) )then me n jun out new rubber bases on a pair of stirrups. it's soo hard!! plus i nearly stabbed myself with d hoofpick i was using haha.
after, we help with sandra's walk-trot class. they had penny, patch, sonny, bilco, songkla and oj. d riders were this family. d mom rode bilco, d dad rode sos, d oldest girl rode oj, d younger girl rode sonny, n their brother rode patch. this REALLY cute girl, petra, was on penny. she was having a trial lesson 4 new members ( ENVY!!) so jun lead patch, sandra did bilco, n i got penny. she couldn't trot very well so i taught her to rise to d mon-day tues-day method which sue taught us like EONS ago. and it worked!! lol so poor tired ole me ( all pooped from camp) had to run beside her in d sandstorm within d arena and pant out "mon-day, tues-day" etc in time with penny's strides, keep penny slow, and run at d same time lol. i'm so good at multitasking :D haha
so anyway, d family was having a back to back lesson; riding 4 1 1/2 hrs STRAIGHT! so halfway i had to bring petra and penny down and this lady came up on glory. then had a quick drink then went up again and took over 4 jun while she had a drink then we both helped out untill d lesson ended.
after, jun washed patch then we went uo to c sue's jumping lesson with tirtha, tosca and tanis. lol it was kinda funny cuz all their names start with Ts and sue got them a bit mixed up.sandra was there helping with d jumps so me n jun helped her a bit then sat down on one of d jumps and talked abt d new horses!! so apparently, we got 3 horses coming down from denmark. one is a mare who used to b a police mount. one is a lil pony called PIANO!!! so cute yes?? nways he's abt bobby-sonny size. then there this GIANT, BIGG bay abt ammaretto size. i think they're gna put him in chuck's old stall. there's like no where else big enough. so nways they're still in denmark waiting 4 d vet check. then after, they're gna b flown down n quarantined at kranji. i DO hope they'll get use to d weather here... :S i'm kinda worried...
|`kath| 8:14 PM|